Creation Village World School News

Action as a result of learning

Written by Sagrario Arguelles | Sep 18, 2023 12:00:00 PM

Dear families, 

As you are aware, your child explores important concepts during each one of our units of inquiry. While we observe evidence of her/his learning every day in class, it is also important for us to know when your child takes action as a result of his/her learning outside of the classroom (e.g., comments, behaviors, change of attitudes). As the International Baccalaureate explains: 

“In the Primary Years Programme (PYP), it is believed that education must extend beyond the intellectual to include not only socially responsible attitudes, but also thoughtful and appropriate action. An explicit expectation of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) is that successful inquiry will lead to responsible action, initiated by the student as a result of the learning process. Primary Years Programme (PYP) schools can and should meet the challenge of offering all learners the opportunity and the power to choose to act; to decide on their actions; and to reflect on these actions in order to make a difference in and to the world.”  

So, PYP families, we need your help! At the start of each new unit of inquiry, the central idea and the lines of inquiry are explained in your child’s unit newsletter. Over the course of each unit, please take note of any action your child takes as a result of his/her learning. Should you find that their actions reflect their understanding about the central idea and lines of inquiry, please fill out the form attached to this email and return it to your classroom teacher with specific comments, behaviors, or changes of attitude. We will have a bulletin board at the school dedicated to sharing and celebrating our students’ actions! 

Thanks for your continued participation and support in strengthening our Primary Years Programme.  

Best regards, saludos, saudações, 

Sagrario Arguelles
Head of the Primary Years Programme