Creation Village World School News

Assessment in the PYP

Written by Sagrario Arguelles | Nov 6, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Dear families, queridas familias, querídas familias,

At Creation Village World School, we believe assessment practices must be rigorous, diverse, research-based and geared toward highlighting the student's individual responsibility. We believe the best assessments are authentic or reflect real-world challenges and situations. To us, assessment informs and improves teaching and learning. Assessment practices are part of the learning cycle, informing teachers practice to best meet the needs of our learners, while illuminating the strengths, areas of growth and effectiveness of our program.

Assessment thoughtfully and effectively guides students through the elements of learning: the acquisition of knowledge, the understanding of concepts, the mastering of skills and the development of attributes.

Assessment is used by teachers to gauge the effectiveness of their teaching, modify instruction as needed, and monitor student progress over time. Documentation of assessment results over time builds complex data evaluated to inform the development of strategies that support student learning, teacher reflection, and the improvement of assessment strategies, tools, and data quality.

We collect documentation of student assessments, including pre-assessments, formative assessments, and summative assessments. Here you will find an overview of the yearly internal and external assessments in the Primary Years Programme from Kindergarten through 5th Grade.

We share assessment data with parents through ongoing communications throughout the year, in addition to scheduled communications such as parent teacher conferences and progress reports.

Creation Village World School publishes progress reports in November, February, and May. We have a continuum of four categories for the formal written reports — not meeting expectations, approaching expectations, meeting expectations, and consistently meeting expectations.

Student progress is reported in units of inquiry, concepts, learner profile attributes, approaches to learning, mathematics, language in English, science, social studies, and single subjects such as language in Spanish, visual arts, music, drama, and physical, social, and personal education.

We cordially invite you to read more about PYP assessments and how to read progress reports here.

After reviewing your child’s progress report, we invite you to attend the parent-teacher conferences on November 17. During these conferences, teachers will share with you more information on your child’s learning process

As always, thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s educational process.

Warmly, saludos, saudações
