Creation Village World School News

Celebrating Joy in Service

Written by Derek Cummings | May 29, 2023 12:00:00 PM

Dear Village Family,

As the school year ends, we reflect on how God has guided and grown us. 

Last week, we celebrated six graduations and promotions from Pre-kindergarten to Eighth Grade. Looking back, together with our 8th grade class, highlighted an incredible kaleidoscope of firsts in our school, from our first overnight trip to Jekyll Island to our first eighth-grade class trip to Washington, D.C., concluding with our first graduations in our Auditorium. 

Our Eighth Grade class are truly trailblazers for our Village, as it is our first graduating class. And as we celebrated their year, we returned to the beginning and an exercise the class did with Ms. Nalani, Identifying Sparks? In the exercise, students identify their deep interests and talents—their sparks—and reflect on the meaning of their spark in their lives. Through this exercise we found a common theme for the students engaging in their spark. Joy. Joy in doing, joy in action, joy in service. 

During graduation, as we celebrated the student's Sparks and Joys over the school year, it was evident that service is core to our calling and student growth. Service as action is a foundational element of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP). It seeks to develop caring members of the community who act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and their environment.

We are blessed with eighth-grade learners who value service and work to spread it through our school. Through their leadership this year, our MYP students have over 1,600 hours of service as a group.
Our Eighth Grade class also has another milestone: the first graduating MYP class!
Yesterday, we received our Middle Years Programme authorization from the International Baccalaureate®; what a fantastic way to end the year. Thank you to our team for making this possible and our students and families for growing with us through this journey.

Now that is cause for a celebration!

What better way than through dance and song courtesy of our 5th and 7th Grades, enjoy.

And now, may the God of green hope fill you up with joy and peace so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope! Romans 15:13

With His Joy,

Derek Cummings
Head of School