Dear Village Family,
Today we start the second week of our learning communities digital wellness challenge inspired by Romans 12:2. This challenge encourages us to intentionally step away from technology so we can draw closer to God and one another, all while advancing our missional growth..
Week 2: Discover – January 12
- Focus: Challenge participants to explore what emerged in the absence of constant digital engagement.
- School Goal: Increase outdoor time daily by 25% and eating lunch outside as much as possible.
- Home Goal: Rediscover hobbies, rekindle relationships, and engage in deeper prayer and meditation.
- RULER Integration
- Please take a few moments this week to complete the attached RULER Family Charter together, helping foster meaningful conversations and emotional well-being within your home. Have your child ready to come in and share with their class about the experience over the next two weeks.
- Find more Family resources from RULER, our approach to social and emolationl learning here: RULER Resources for Families - RULER Approach
- Additional Resources
The Family Dinner Project - The Family Dinner Project