A Heavenly View

Dec 11, 2023 8:30:00 AM | A Heavenly View

As we begin the second week of Advent, our thoughts turn to what we are preparing for this year. What magic is about to unfold?

Dear Village Family,

As we begin the second week of Advent, our thoughts turn to what we are preparing for this year. What magic is about to unfold, and are we looking in the right direction?

One of the great mysteries of the Christmas story is that throughout the world, only a handful were looking outside of themselves in God's direction. In a time when lights fill our world, are we looking for the light of the world?

In In CREATION Life, Outlook is the way you view your world. While in our Primary and Middle Year programs, ' perspective' is a key concept that our teachers and students inquire about to learn how the position from which we observe situations, objects, facts, ideas, and opinions impacts our outlook.

Research indicates that our outlook significantly influences our well-being during the holidays. Studies suggest that individuals with a positive mindset, characterized by gratitude, optimism, and a focus on meaningful connections, tend to experience lower stress levels and greater overall satisfaction during the festive season. Positive psychological factors are linked to improved mental health, higher resilience, and a greater ability to cope with holiday-related challenges. The impact of outlook on holiday experiences is not solely psychological; it can also affect physical health, with positive emotions contributing to better immune function and overall well-being. Seligman, M. E., Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000)

Advent provides the time for us to orient our outlook toward our heavenly calling. As Paul states, God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don't use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that's how freedom grows. For everything we know about God's Word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. That's an act of true freedom. Galatians 5:13-15 MSG

A God-led outlook allows us to discover our purpose in life and live from a Christ-centered perspective, finding the true meaning of who we are. Scott Barry Kaufman, in his book Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization, quoting Maslow, asserts, "self-actualization…paradoxically makes more possible the transcendence of the self, and of self-consciousness and of selfishness." Finding your purpose can help you think beyond the self and connect to the larger world.

So this year, let's connect to the larger world, God's world. Look to stars, find the maker of heaven and earth, and in doing so, find your true self, made in the image of God. And in the view of His love, we turn and share the season's hope with those in need. We invite you to help us support the families in transition on 192 through our service project this Friday at our Chapel. If you are able, please consider donating the following items by Thursday, December 14th, so that our students can help wrap and prepare for the families in need:

  • Crockpots
  • Board games
  • Gift cards for teens
  • Dolls
  • Blankets

Thank you for making our Village a giving community. Thank you for sharing with those in need. For it is in giving that we live out our calling to serve others in love, finding the true joy that passes all understanding.

Merry Christmas,


Nalani and Derek Cummings

Derek Cummings

Written By: Derek Cummings

Derek is passionate about providing the highest levels of education to our Village enabling our students to do good in God's great world.