Daily Living the IB Programme

Sep 25, 2023 8:30:00 AM | Daily Living the IB Programme

Within the key elements of an IB education lie the six approaches to teaching (ATT) and the five approaches to learning (ATL)

Greetings CVWS Community,

As I send this message out to all of you, I have the privilege of attending a conference with the Florida Association of IB World Schools (FLIBS), where I am reminded of the broader community of IB schools we belong to and the relationships we are building as part of a global organization.

Within the key elements of an IB education lie the six approaches to teaching (ATT) and the five approaches to learning (ATL), which play a crucial role in ensuring that the aspirations of an IB education become a reality in the classroom. Promoting these concepts into the daily lives of our students at CVWS is vital for their growth and development as lifelong learners.

The approaches are centered on a cycle of inquiry, action, and reflection—an interplay of asking, doing, and thinking—that informs the daily activities of teachers and learners. They also place a great deal of emphasis on relationships. This reflects the IB’s belief that educational outcomes are profoundly shaped by the relationships between teachers and students that develop throughout the year.

By supporting the development and practice of these approaches in the daily lives of our students here at CVWS, we promote the IB belief that a large influence on a student’s education is not only what you learn, but also how you learn. This approach is intrinsically linked with the IB Learner Profile (LP) attributes to enhance student learning and assist student preparation for life outside of school.

From our end-of-unit presentations in the PYP and daily reflection time built into the daily schedule for our MYP, each choice is intentional by design to build out the ten traits of the LP. These traits, in turn, help to promote international-mindedness in our students to think about the common humanity of all people while accepting and respecting other cultures and beliefs united as one under God.

The beauty of our pedagogical approach to instruction is that each element serves to support and reinforce the education of the whole child. The beauty of it is that we get to do this with your children every day.

Thank you for your continued partnership and support as we grow the culture and success of your children at our school.


Marcos Redondo
Dean of Middle Years Programme

Marcos Redondo

Written By: Marcos Redondo

Marcos is a lifelong IB learner, both as a student and instructor, and works daily to develop our student's missional growth through service-based learning.