Digitial Wellness Challenge - Week 3

Jan 20, 2025 8:00:00 AM | Digitial Wellness Challenge - Week 3

Join us in Week 3 of the Digital Wellness Challenge as we embrace Dr. King’s wisdom and Andry Crouch’s insights to cultivate joy through meaningful, screen-free interactions.

Over the long weekend, we read a book and an article which that provided transformation through the renewing of our minds.

First, we read Strength to Love by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and amazing testimony to life lived with love. Dr. King states, the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others."

Second, we read a tremendous post by Andry Crouch, Where the Magic Doesn't Happy: How technology can interfere with moral formation at school, church, and home. Here is a quick summary and I encourage you to read the full article here:

"Technology now provides a kind of “magic”—the ability to get immediate, effortless results with minimal skill—that was once merely dreamed of by alchemists. This transformation has freed us from much drudgery, but it also poses a serious danger to our personal development. Human beings require time, patience, and deep engagement to mature, a process that cannot be rushed or reduced to the wave of a wand. Yet our devices tempt us to shortcut the very experiences—like patient conversation and genuine, risk-taking dialogue—that foster growth in wisdom and love. When interactions are cut short by the easy escape of a smartphone, we trade the slow, meaningful formation of persons for instant gratification—embracing the allure of magic at the cost of our own flourishing."

So, this week let's take the words of Dr. King and the guidance of Mr. Crouch and put down our devices and together delight in the formation of ourselves through sharing God's love with each other.

Week 3: Delight - January 19

  • Village Focus: Cultivating joy in the newfound space and time. Look to fill our additional time by delighting in God’s creation, meaningful conversations, and activities that service activities.
  • School Focus: Class service project of the week celebrating MLK’s servant leadership
  • Home Focus: Use this week to celebrate time together and in God’s creation, remembering the great leader Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Intelligence plus character–that is the goal of true education.”
Derek Cummings

Written By: Derek Cummings

Derek is passionate about providing the highest levels of education to our Village enabling our students to do good in God's great world.