Fair Day - All School Event

Feb 3, 2025 6:46:18 AM | Fair Day - All School Event

Join us for Osceola County Fair Day on February 21st! An immersive experience where students engage with the community, showcase talents, and enjoy a day of fun and learning.

Family Fair Day (K to 10th Grade)

Our Osceola County Fair Day is February 21st, an all-school field trip where our students will have the opportunity to engage in the community, celebrate the holiday of over 75 years of Osceola County’s rich rodeo traditions, and showcase their skills and talents through participation in the 4-H program exhibitions. This annual event is an immersive learning experience, allowing students to connect with local culture, see their work on display, and enjoy a day at the fair together with family and friends.

Family Fair Day Logistics

  • Transportation: Families provide transportation to and from the fair
  • Meeting Time: 9:30 am
  • Meeting Location: Extension Services Building, 1921 Kissimmee Valley Ln, Kissimmee, FL 34744
  • Admission: Free for Family Fair Day as part of our 4H club
  • Attendance: Families stay with your child throughout.
    • If you have multiple students check-in with each teacher and designate if your child is staying with their class or joining their siblings class and confirm the pick-up location
    • If you are not planning to attend the Family Fair Day please let your class teacher know prior by Thursday next week


Family Fair Day Agenda

9:30 AM – Families & Students Arrive to the Extension Services Building

  • Check-in with class teachers
  • Welcome session led by County Fair staff
  • County Fair team will break our school into groups for the tour

10:00–11:30 AM – Fairgrounds Tour led by County Fair staff

  • Visit livestock areas: Sheep, Poultry, Rabbits, etc.
  • Explore Citrus exhibits and the Barn

11:35 AMRegroup in Event Exhibition Hall

  • Teachers organize students and families by grades and houses

11:45 AM – 12:30 PMGrade & House Group Activities

  • Engage in designated learning activities by class and houses

12:30 PM – Lunch & Fair Exploration

  • Families check-out their students from the class teachers
  • Families to enjoy lunch and the fair independently

Purpose of Fair Day

  • Provide an opportunity to learn together as families and a learning community.
  • Enhance student learning through active, experiential activities related to local culture, agriculture, and science.
  • Provide an opportunity for students to connect the real-world experiences of the fair with their academic curriculum.
  • Encourage the development of important critical thinking and map skills, while also fostering discussions about the role of agriculture and community traditions in Florida.

Participation Goal

  • The class with the highest participation rate will win a special experience day by their own design.
  • Alternative Option: For families unable to attend the fair, students will be enrolled in our extended care which will be available at the school for the day.

Fair Youth Exhibit Submissions

  • If your student submitted a Fair Youth Exhibit and didn’t receive fair tickets, they are available for pick-up at the Front Desk of the Zwart Center.



Derek Cummings

Written By: Derek Cummings

Derek is passionate about providing the highest levels of education to our Village enabling our students to do good in God's great world.